
Social Silence



Have a real conversation with someone today.  Truly connect with that person.  Demonstrate to them that they have value.  Be Jesus to someone today. Be encouraging!


I’ve been wondering about the changes we are experiencing and endorsing so enthusiastically.  They are coming at a fast pace via the internet and social media.  Even my Windows computer is now determined to link with my phone, though I have not directed it to do so.  And simply considering social media is not to mention the increasing presence of TV via its wifi stream.


Sometimes I feel like we are caught in a tidal wave and the affect on our lives will be of tsunami proportions.


I recently took a nostalgic walk down the pathway of memory lane.  I liked them in my past and the words written by a poet/musician in 1964 have withstood the test of time.  Although they were comforting to me when I sought affirmation in my youth, they now speak more clearly of loneliness and isolation. They seem to be prophetic.  Hear what Paul Simon said in, “The Sound of Silence.”


“And in the naked light I saw,

Ten thousand people, maybe more.

People talking without speaking,

People hearing without listening.

People writing songs that voices never share,

No one dare,

Disturb the sound of silence.”


I wonder if our “connected” age of instant messaging, texts, emails, and social media has resulted in a lack of real communication – hence, the “sound of silence.”


It seems to me that people visit with each other much less these days, and that intimate, engaging conversation is becoming a real rarity.


Yes, I am posting these sentiments on Facebook.  Perhaps this writing is therefore an exercise of futile contradiction; but who will hear otherwise?  Dare I, we, disturb the “sound of silence?”


The poet continues:


“ ‘Fools’ said I, ‘You do not know,

Silence like a cancer grows.

Hear my words that I might teach you,

Take my arms that I might reach you.’

But my words like silent raindrops fell,

And echoed in the wells of silence.”


And the questions echo in my brain with haunting reverberation: is the new social way of the internet God’s way, or is it the snare of a trap?  Can we use it for His glory, somehow… with determination and discipline?  But how?


The poet concludes:


“And the people bowed and prayed,

To the neon god they made.

And the sign flashed out its warning,

In the words that it was forming.

And the sign said, ‘The words of the prophets

Are written on the subway walls,

And tenement halls,

And whispered in the sounds of silence.’”


Yes, I know that I am only “whispering,” with this post.  But, perhaps you would like to share it…?


More importantly, let’s claim social media with grace, being intentional to encourage each other with witness to Truth.  This is my purpose for The Contemporary Christian.




Check it out, consider joining our discussion, and invite others who are like minded and kind hearted.


And yes, take the time to really talk to someone today.



God Bless!!


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  • #1

    Melissa Wardrop (Saturday, 10 March 2018 15:16)

    First of all, I’m blown away by the words of a song that most of know...even to a generation younger such as mine we sing the words to this song and I can say for myself I never noticed it’s applicable message to our now technological age. Yes, it does seem prophetic. I think we as a society are becoming increasingly lonely and disconnected yet we’re overwhelmed with ‘ connecting ‘.
    I notice how it seems people less and less notice the world around them bc they are looking at their screen. I’ve seen a table with a couple or family all looking at their own individual devices and missing the present moment they have with each other. I’ve sat on a shuttle where small talk used to be common and now everyone’s are eyes are fixed on their device.
    I’m guilty to a degree. It’s something that requires constant discipline. Even my eight year old comments when I’m on my phone. She even reprimands me when I’m paying bills or arranging play dates! I’ve asked her to be my check! She especially responds to her duty if I pick up my phone while driving!
    She knows and understands it’s a deviation or distraction from the attention she deserves!
    I hate to think I’m loosing moments with my children for something futile, moments I’ll never get back!
    The Bible states the enemy comes to kill and destroy...seeking those whom he may devour. Our screens and this multidimensional world I believe is tool the enemy can and does use if we are not vigilant. He steels moments we can’t get back. As it spirals, I believe he will it use to kill, one attempt at a time. Producing strain, distance, loneliness, low self esteem etc.

    I watched the movie Connected two weeks ago. Kirk Cameron highlights the danger of technology especially for our children. I appreciate how he claimed it is all part of a spiritual battle. We need to vigilant and ready to protect and defend our children. But first we must have healthy restrictions ourselves!
    I then read and article about an app musicly. What lies underneath the appearance is a very dark, twisted dimension that our youth is getting access to and becoming influenced by.
    As of right now, in our home; our kids will not have smart phones till they can pay for them themselves. Flip phones for emergencies will be the go to... yes, we will have a family computer where they can hone in on their technological skills and it will be highly monitored. Will they be ridiculed? Will they be left out? I’m sure to a degree. But they have their entire life to learn the in’s and outs of it all. God also calls us to be separate from the world. So maybe we shouldn’t dive deep into this unknow abyss.
    I agree...it’s like were in the experimental stage. What will come of this and how it will effect our world could be astronomical in its effect.
    We need to press in and ask God to show us how to have real, connections!

Edify - Encourage - Empower!

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Blessings! Alan Updyke